donderdag 14 april 2011


Hey everyone!
I arrived in the last country of our trip: Norway. Everyone warned me for the low temperatures, but I must say it isn’t that cold over here. At his moment, it’s 9 degrees, so that’s not that low! Next to that, there is 1 thing I would really like to talk about: the Norwegian economy.
The most key areas such as the petroleum sector, hydropower, forests, fish and much more is controlled by the government! Norway depends heavily on the petroleum sector. This sector accounts for almost half of exports and more than 30% of its state revenue. In fact, Norway is the world’s largest exporter of gas. But, what not many people know is that Norway slipped in this position (as a leading oil exporter) because the production started to decline. There were 2 reasons for the growth decline: the sudden drop in oil prices and the recession in world economy.
When I read the information about Norway its economy I was really surprised! I would never have thought that Norway is such an important country regarding to petroleum. And what I certainly did not know is that Norway is the world’s largest exporter of gas. So, I was really surprised reading this. When I thought of Norway, I thought of a cold and dark country. Not of a country that depends heavily on petroleum. Norway is really essential for all the other countries! Gas and oil are very expensive, but everyone needs them! They are necessary for all the countries, so it’s important for the countries to have a good relationship with Norway. When I heard that Norway’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) declined in 2009 by 1.5% and that it was the country its first annual GDP-dip in 2 decades, I knew that Norway’s economy was enormous and important! I really liked Norway, not only because it has such a good economy, but also the culture and its nature attracted me.
Unfortunately this was my last blog. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, in any case I enjoyed writing them! I can really recommend it to everyone to make such a trip as I did. I learned a lot about the countries I’ve visited: the economy, the culture, the language and so one. But, there is still 1 country I liked the most: Italy! I really like its culture, economy and landscape!  Now, I’m at the end of my last blog and all that’s left to say is: What a great experience and thank you for reading my blog!
Libera Noerens

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