dinsdag 12 april 2011

Here I am, for the last time unfortunately… 
I arrived last week in Oslo and I must say: I’m freezing over here! They warned me for the low temperatures, but I didn’t think it would be this bad. But hey, I won’t start nagging, promised!
Enjoy my last blog, straight from Norway:
Norway’s economy became important since World War II and this especially because of the shipping and merchant marine and domestic industrialisation. When we look at Norway nowadays, we can see that the country is ranked as the second largest economy in the world. The country is also a very important exporter, especially in seafood. Other products that became very important for Norway nowadays are (as before) oil and natural gas, but also hydroelectric power, forests and minerals. These are the most important, but not the only products Norway produces and exports. Important is also that the country is very good at human resources, something that is becoming more and more important these days.
When I start looking at the information about Norway’s economy, I thought the amount of products they’re producing wouldn’t stop. I never thought Norway would be such an important country in the world since I only think of seafood when I hear ‘Norway’. When I look at the summary of all the ‘typical’ Norwegian products, I change my mind immediately. The country really is indispensable since it also has the wealth of oil and natural gas. I personally think these products are very important, even though they pollute a lot and there are a lot of people searching for alternatives. As long as we haven’t found a reliable and less expensive alternative that has the same effect, oil will stay a very important material for the whole world. When I arrived at the airport, I immediately saw that the country is a well-developed one since there are beautiful houses and a lot of business areas. I really like the country and this because of its magnificent nature, something I didn’t see that often in a lot of other countries I visited during my trip. I wasn’t impressed at all when I read that the country is an important exporter of seafood, since almost the whole country is surrounded by seas.
Find out everything about Norway’s economy on the following site: www.wikipedia.org
So, this was my last blog. I really enjoyed my trip, it helped me to expand my knowledge about some countries and that was my most important aim when I left Belgium. I can’t really say which country I liked the most, since every country has its own charms, but I can’t deny that I’m still a huge fan of Italy and its magnificent culture. I’ll now finish my last blog and I hope I’ve convinced some of you to make a trip like mine once.
Kimberly Pauwels

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