vrijdag 8 april 2011


Hello again!
Last week we arrived in Germany. I’ve visited this country several times. And every time, I discovered new things (the culture, the buildings, the beautiful nature…). This time the growing economy of Germany attracted me.
As everyone knows, it has been a tough couple of years for Europe's economy. There was recession across the region and that resulted in bailouts for Greece and Ireland. But in the Euro zone, there was 1 economy that lasted: the one of GERMANY!
KPM is a good example of the countless small companies that are in Germany. This company is not a very modern business. They make porcelain and every piece is hand painted. They export their porcelain goods to China. KPM is a typical German company: small, focused, willing to spend money on design and marketing and of course not forgetting the old qualities it was build on. Christiane Von Trotha, someone of the company, says that they want to make sure the company has a long future. To make that sure, they invest into innovation and skills of their workers.
In 2010, Germany grew by 3,6%. This year, Germany is expected to grow by 2.5%! These figures are really good! If you want also such good figures you have to apply the same key point as in German business: making things that people want to buy!
Unemployment is falling, consumer and business optimism are rising, export is booming … What does a country need more? I think Germany did really well during the economical crises. When almost all the other countries of the Euro zone where in trouble, they grew by 3,6%! This is partly due to their slow growing economy, partly by the countless small companies. These companies are like family businesses and want to have a long future. They invest in innovation, which is very important nowadays. Innovation rules the whole market. Every business that wants to be successful must innovate. I think that the German businesses understand that very well!
Above that, we must not forget the workers in Germany. During the recession they worked less hours and earned less. They gave up extras such as their Christmas bonuses … All the countries that are now concerned about their economy should take an example of Germany. They should also keep in mind the secret of the German business: making things that people want to buy!
I really enjoyed my stay in Germany and I think that I learned a lot about its economy. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. See you next time when I’m in Norway (the last stop of our trip)!
Libera Noerens

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