dinsdag 5 april 2011

Blog Germany

Hey there!
As I said, I now arrived in Germany, more specifically in Munich. I personally don’t really like Germany and this especially because of its food and the general thought of the inhabitants. That’s why I think it’s a huge experience to be here. I really hope my general thought of Germany will have changed when I leave the country in a couple of weeks. Here’s my weekly update:
Germany has a very important and big economy since the country has the third largest economy of the world and the largest economy of Europe. When we look at Munich we can see it involves a well-developed city in Germany. It’s the city with the lowest number of unemployed people and the strongest local economy of the country. Some important headquarters are located here. Munich is often seen as the center for biotechnology, software and other service industries. Next to that the country has the reputation of being Europe’s publishing capital. One of the biggest and most famous movie production studios can be found here (which one?). Since the city also has an airport, transport is no problem either.
I think it’s obvious that Germany is a very important country for Europe and the rest of the world. The country’s large economy will surely have its impact on the rest of Europe. When we look at Munich as one of the main cities of Germany, we may say that the city is indispensable. I think that it has a lot of advantages like for example good transport possibilities and a low range of unemployment. As we all know the country is also a big exporter and importer, since it has an open economy. Even if I don’t like Germany in general, I find it an indispensable country for the rest of Europe. A large and well-developed country like Germany motivates the general development in Europe and supports countries who aren’t as developed as Germany is. When we look at the past, we can conclude that Germany has always been important in the world on the level of its economy. It has always been one of the countries that developed the quickest and implanted a lot of innovations. When I think of Germany, I think of cars and money. Because of that I can say that I have a positive view of the country’s economy. On the level of economy, I think it would be impossible to be as strong as we are right now without having Germany in the Union.  For that I can conclude that the country can’t be missed on several levels in Europe and the rest of the world.
This was my blog for this week! I think I’ll leave Germany with a more positive view on the country than before and this especially because of its economy and its important role. If you want to know all about Germany’s economy, then visit http://www.easyexpat.com/en/munich/overview/economy.html.
See you soon when I arrive at my final destination, Norway. I think I’ll first buy a couple of coats, since the weather isn’t that good over there!
Auf wiedersehen!
Kimberly Pauwels

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