vrijdag 15 april 2011

Blog 6 - Norway


This week we are in the last country of our trip, Norway. I didn’t know a lot about this country before I came here, so I hoped to learn some things during my stay.
Norway is mostly known for its forests and great fishing opportinuties. Export to foreign countries is very important for the Norwegian economy. Over 40% of the GDP is brought in by exports. Norway’s exports consist for the majority of petroleum and natural gas. The government is also very important in Norway. Over 50% of domestic bussines is owned by the government and the country has an expensive social wellfare system.
I didn’t know Norway is such an important exporter of petroleum. When I think of Norway, I think of wood and forests, maybe of fishing, but certainly not of petroleum. The fact that they are such important producers of petroleum means that they are very important for other countries. Everyone needs oil, so they will always have a demand. The fact that the oil prices are very high at the moment will definitely influence their export.
Another point that surprised me, is the fact that they aren’t a member of the European Union. Norwegian voters rejected the European Union membership. I think being a member would be good for this country. Being a part of such a group brings a lot of opportunities for your country. However, they are a member of the European Economic Area, which gives Norway most of the rights and obligations of the EU market. But they don’t have a lot of influence on EU decisions. So I think it would be best for this country to join the EU as soon as possible!          
If you want to know more about Norway and its economy, go to: http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Europe/Norway-ECONOMY.html
I’ve really enjoyed visiting this country, but I’m sad it is the last one of our trip. This was a great experience and I have learned so much about all the countries we passed through. I would recommand all my friends to do the same. When you make a trip around the world, you see, feel and experience things you’ve never seen before.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog and that you also learned something new about all these countries.
Elisa Debleu

donderdag 14 april 2011


Hey everybody,

The last country that I’ve visited is Norway, this is also my last blog that you get to see. I think it’s interesting to learn you something more about the economy in Norway, the economy in this country is completely different evolved.
When  the other countries were in the economic crisis, Norway notices almost nothing. When other countries spent a lot of money, Norway saved their money. When other countries wanted a limited role of the government, Norway blossomed in a welfare state.
Norway is a relatively small country with a largely homogeneous population and the country has the advantage to be a major oil exporter, as a result, they had a lot of revenue during the economic crisis.
Opposite the other countries, Norway spends its revenue wise, they put a lot of money in the sovereign wealth fund and the state money intended for investments around the world.
Norway is also frugal with its revenue, they try to limit public expenditure and they try to spend well the oil revenues.
Norway also think about the future of its inhabitants, they take into account the future generations by saving money. For example: the banks in Norway remain largely healthy, but they remain cautious with their credits.
It surprises me that there is still a country who is spared from the economic crisis, I believe that’s the own fault of some countries that they had problems in the years of the economic crisis, but as we see in this article, a country can try to save money if there would be something wrong.
I would certainly not have thought that Norway’s economy is so good and that they are a major oil-exporter because the country is actually not much in the media. My opinion is that they have to mention Norway more in the media and show the other countries what they have done to handle the economic crisis, the other countries could learn a lot from Norway.

So this was my last blog, I hope you enjoyed the different blogs and countries and maybe I will see you later!

Charlotte De Hainaut

Blog 5 - Germany

Dear blogreader
This week we visited the capital of Germany, Berlin. Berlin is the largest city in Germany and the second largest city in the European Union. When we think of this city, the Berlin wall always comes to mind.  The Berlin wall reminds us of the fact that this country has known a lot of difficult times. When we think of Germany and its history, the difficult times during the Second World War come to mind. The German army, with Hitler at its command, caused a lot of pain, problems and casualties all over the world.
But despite these difficult times, Germany is known for a lot of other great things. It has the largest national economy in Europe and is known for its high level of innovation. This country was the world’s largest exporter from 2003 to 2008 and Germany is the leading producer of wind turbines and solar power technology in the world.
Germany is one of the only countries in Europe that got true the economical crisis, thanks to all of the things I’ve mentioned above.
The country is also very important for Europe. Because it is situated in the center of Europe, Germany is very important for the transportation of goods from and to other countries. Germany introduced the common European currency, the euro, and the European Central bank is located in Frankfurt (one of Germany’s most important cities).
I think Germany has known a lot of problems in the past with its leaders and politicians. The Second World War was a dark period in this countries history. But now, they are definitely making a comeback. Their economy is blooming and they are a very important country in the European Union. Despite all of this, I still think Germany has some thinks it needs to work on. I don’t think Germany is a country that is very popular with tourists. They should use all of their potential to attract more tourists. That way, their economy would blossom even more.
I’ve enjoyed my visite to Germany, but it’s not one of my favorite countries. My view on this country has changed for the better and I have really learned a lot about its history and economy. If you want to know more about this country, go to this source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany. I hope to see you next time, when we are in Norway. This will be the last country we visite before we return home.
See you then!
Elisa Debleu


Hey everyone!
I arrived in the last country of our trip: Norway. Everyone warned me for the low temperatures, but I must say it isn’t that cold over here. At his moment, it’s 9 degrees, so that’s not that low! Next to that, there is 1 thing I would really like to talk about: the Norwegian economy.
The most key areas such as the petroleum sector, hydropower, forests, fish and much more is controlled by the government! Norway depends heavily on the petroleum sector. This sector accounts for almost half of exports and more than 30% of its state revenue. In fact, Norway is the world’s largest exporter of gas. But, what not many people know is that Norway slipped in this position (as a leading oil exporter) because the production started to decline. There were 2 reasons for the growth decline: the sudden drop in oil prices and the recession in world economy.
When I read the information about Norway its economy I was really surprised! I would never have thought that Norway is such an important country regarding to petroleum. And what I certainly did not know is that Norway is the world’s largest exporter of gas. So, I was really surprised reading this. When I thought of Norway, I thought of a cold and dark country. Not of a country that depends heavily on petroleum. Norway is really essential for all the other countries! Gas and oil are very expensive, but everyone needs them! They are necessary for all the countries, so it’s important for the countries to have a good relationship with Norway. When I heard that Norway’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) declined in 2009 by 1.5% and that it was the country its first annual GDP-dip in 2 decades, I knew that Norway’s economy was enormous and important! I really liked Norway, not only because it has such a good economy, but also the culture and its nature attracted me.
Unfortunately this was my last blog. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, in any case I enjoyed writing them! I can really recommend it to everyone to make such a trip as I did. I learned a lot about the countries I’ve visited: the economy, the culture, the language and so one. But, there is still 1 country I liked the most: Italy! I really like its culture, economy and landscape!  Now, I’m at the end of my last blog and all that’s left to say is: What a great experience and thank you for reading my blog!
Libera Noerens

dinsdag 12 april 2011

Here I am, for the last time unfortunately… 
I arrived last week in Oslo and I must say: I’m freezing over here! They warned me for the low temperatures, but I didn’t think it would be this bad. But hey, I won’t start nagging, promised!
Enjoy my last blog, straight from Norway:
Norway’s economy became important since World War II and this especially because of the shipping and merchant marine and domestic industrialisation. When we look at Norway nowadays, we can see that the country is ranked as the second largest economy in the world. The country is also a very important exporter, especially in seafood. Other products that became very important for Norway nowadays are (as before) oil and natural gas, but also hydroelectric power, forests and minerals. These are the most important, but not the only products Norway produces and exports. Important is also that the country is very good at human resources, something that is becoming more and more important these days.
When I start looking at the information about Norway’s economy, I thought the amount of products they’re producing wouldn’t stop. I never thought Norway would be such an important country in the world since I only think of seafood when I hear ‘Norway’. When I look at the summary of all the ‘typical’ Norwegian products, I change my mind immediately. The country really is indispensable since it also has the wealth of oil and natural gas. I personally think these products are very important, even though they pollute a lot and there are a lot of people searching for alternatives. As long as we haven’t found a reliable and less expensive alternative that has the same effect, oil will stay a very important material for the whole world. When I arrived at the airport, I immediately saw that the country is a well-developed one since there are beautiful houses and a lot of business areas. I really like the country and this because of its magnificent nature, something I didn’t see that often in a lot of other countries I visited during my trip. I wasn’t impressed at all when I read that the country is an important exporter of seafood, since almost the whole country is surrounded by seas.
Find out everything about Norway’s economy on the following site: www.wikipedia.org
So, this was my last blog. I really enjoyed my trip, it helped me to expand my knowledge about some countries and that was my most important aim when I left Belgium. I can’t really say which country I liked the most, since every country has its own charms, but I can’t deny that I’m still a huge fan of Italy and its magnificent culture. I’ll now finish my last blog and I hope I’ve convinced some of you to make a trip like mine once.
Kimberly Pauwels

Blog Norway

Here I am, for the last time unfortunately… 
I arrived last week in Oslo and I must say: I’m freezing over here! They warned me for the low temperatures, but I didn’t think it would be this bad. But hey, I won’t start nagging, promised!
Enjoy my last blog, straight from Norway:
Norway’s economy became important since World War II and this especially because of the shipping and merchant marine and domestic industrialisation. When we look at Norway nowadays, we can see that the country is ranked as the second largest economy in the world. The country is also a very important exporter, especially in seafood. Other products that became very important for Norway nowadays are (as before) oil and natural gas, but also hydroelectric power, forests and minerals. These are the most important, but not the only products Norway produces and exports. Important is also that the country is very good at human resources, something that is becoming more and more important these days.
When I start looking at the information about Norway’s economy, I thought the amount of products they’re producing wouldn’t stop. I never thought Norway would be such an important country in the world since I only think of seafood when I hear ‘Norway’. When I look at the summary of all the ‘typical’ Norwegian products, I change my mind immediately. The country really is indispensable since it also has the wealth of oil and natural gas. I personally think these products are very important, even though they pollute a lot and there are a lot of people searching for alternatives. As long as we haven’t found a reliable and less expensive alternative that has the same effect, oil will stay a very important material for the whole world. When I arrived at the airport, I immediately saw that the country is a well-developed one since there are beautiful houses and a lot of business areas. I really like the country and this because of its magnificent nature, something I didn’t see that often in a lot of other countries I visited during my trip. I wasn’t impressed at all when I read that the country is an important exporter of seafood, since almost the whole country is surrounded by seas.
Find out everything about Norway’s economy on the following site: www.wikipedia.org
So, this was my last blog. I really enjoyed my trip, it helped me to expand my knowledge about some countries and that was my most important aim when I left Belgium. I can’t really say which country I liked the most, since every country has its own charms, but I can’t deny that I’m still a huge fan of Italy and its magnificent culture. I’ll now finish my last blog and I hope I’ve convinced some of you to make a trip like mine once.
Kimberly Pauwels

vrijdag 8 april 2011


Hello again!
Last week we arrived in Germany. I’ve visited this country several times. And every time, I discovered new things (the culture, the buildings, the beautiful nature…). This time the growing economy of Germany attracted me.
As everyone knows, it has been a tough couple of years for Europe's economy. There was recession across the region and that resulted in bailouts for Greece and Ireland. But in the Euro zone, there was 1 economy that lasted: the one of GERMANY!
KPM is a good example of the countless small companies that are in Germany. This company is not a very modern business. They make porcelain and every piece is hand painted. They export their porcelain goods to China. KPM is a typical German company: small, focused, willing to spend money on design and marketing and of course not forgetting the old qualities it was build on. Christiane Von Trotha, someone of the company, says that they want to make sure the company has a long future. To make that sure, they invest into innovation and skills of their workers.
In 2010, Germany grew by 3,6%. This year, Germany is expected to grow by 2.5%! These figures are really good! If you want also such good figures you have to apply the same key point as in German business: making things that people want to buy!
Unemployment is falling, consumer and business optimism are rising, export is booming … What does a country need more? I think Germany did really well during the economical crises. When almost all the other countries of the Euro zone where in trouble, they grew by 3,6%! This is partly due to their slow growing economy, partly by the countless small companies. These companies are like family businesses and want to have a long future. They invest in innovation, which is very important nowadays. Innovation rules the whole market. Every business that wants to be successful must innovate. I think that the German businesses understand that very well!
Above that, we must not forget the workers in Germany. During the recession they worked less hours and earned less. They gave up extras such as their Christmas bonuses … All the countries that are now concerned about their economy should take an example of Germany. They should also keep in mind the secret of the German business: making things that people want to buy!
I really enjoyed my stay in Germany and I think that I learned a lot about its economy. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. See you next time when I’m in Norway (the last stop of our trip)!
Libera Noerens

dinsdag 5 april 2011


Hello blog followers!
I’ve discovered the largest retailer in Germany, it’s really amazing that company! It’s name is Metro Group and it’s the 3rd largest retailer in the world, off course they have the largest market share in Germany, I will tell you something more about this retailer…
We all know this retailer actually, it’s the “Makro” in Belgium. Another division that also well knew in Belgium is “Media Markt”. Other sales divisions of this company are: Real, Saturn and Galeria Kaufhof.  It’s founded in 1964 by Otto Beishem and the headquarter is in Düsseldorf, Germany off course. They offer all kinds of products, from meat to electronic products. They offer their products in as many as 36 countries, but they still want to grow more, they want to be more active at the markets of Asia and Europe. The German government asked them to open a few stores in Afghanistan and in 2009 they would buy some assets of the company Arcandor.
In the past, the company had a few problems with their image: they sold tainted meat or past-sale meat, but in the meantime, they have boosted their image again.
I think that this retailer has a great potential to become the largest retailer in the world, because they have a lot of future plans. They want to be also active in the less developed countries, most of the retailers aren’t yet active there, so that’s a great opportunity for this country. It’s a huge competitor for the other supermarkets.
The fact that they made a mistake in the past doesn’t mean that it’s a bad retailer, on the contrary, they have their image back and they are the 3rd largest retailer in the world.
It’s interesting to know that Makro and Media Markt are sales divisions of the Metro Group, that’s something I need to remember!

I’m glad that I learn you something about one of the largest retailers in the world, because I didn’t know there was such a huge retailer in Germany.
Let’s go to the last country: Norway!

Charlotte De Hainaut

Blog Germany

Hey there!
As I said, I now arrived in Germany, more specifically in Munich. I personally don’t really like Germany and this especially because of its food and the general thought of the inhabitants. That’s why I think it’s a huge experience to be here. I really hope my general thought of Germany will have changed when I leave the country in a couple of weeks. Here’s my weekly update:
Germany has a very important and big economy since the country has the third largest economy of the world and the largest economy of Europe. When we look at Munich we can see it involves a well-developed city in Germany. It’s the city with the lowest number of unemployed people and the strongest local economy of the country. Some important headquarters are located here. Munich is often seen as the center for biotechnology, software and other service industries. Next to that the country has the reputation of being Europe’s publishing capital. One of the biggest and most famous movie production studios can be found here (which one?). Since the city also has an airport, transport is no problem either.
I think it’s obvious that Germany is a very important country for Europe and the rest of the world. The country’s large economy will surely have its impact on the rest of Europe. When we look at Munich as one of the main cities of Germany, we may say that the city is indispensable. I think that it has a lot of advantages like for example good transport possibilities and a low range of unemployment. As we all know the country is also a big exporter and importer, since it has an open economy. Even if I don’t like Germany in general, I find it an indispensable country for the rest of Europe. A large and well-developed country like Germany motivates the general development in Europe and supports countries who aren’t as developed as Germany is. When we look at the past, we can conclude that Germany has always been important in the world on the level of its economy. It has always been one of the countries that developed the quickest and implanted a lot of innovations. When I think of Germany, I think of cars and money. Because of that I can say that I have a positive view of the country’s economy. On the level of economy, I think it would be impossible to be as strong as we are right now without having Germany in the Union.  For that I can conclude that the country can’t be missed on several levels in Europe and the rest of the world.
This was my blog for this week! I think I’ll leave Germany with a more positive view on the country than before and this especially because of its economy and its important role. If you want to know all about Germany’s economy, then visit http://www.easyexpat.com/en/munich/overview/economy.html.
See you soon when I arrive at my final destination, Norway. I think I’ll first buy a couple of coats, since the weather isn’t that good over there!
Auf wiedersehen!
Kimberly Pauwels