maandag 14 maart 2011


Hello everyone
The next country I visited is Tunisia. Tunisia is a beautiful country with a lot of friendly people. In my  next blog I’m going to discuss an article about the economy of Tunisia, more specific the export and business creation.
Exports up and business creation down
The industrial situation in Tunisia is changed. late February 2011 they noticed that the export is increased and the creation of new businesses is decreased.
the industrial export is raised with 9 %. that rise is due to the 18% of exports of mechanical and electrical industries and the 20% increase in chemical industries
the investments are increased by almost 10%. this would create more then 10 000 additional jobs in the industry sector.
there are about 150 projects that have been recorded in de  regional development regions. These projects account for 58% of all investment  and should create over 10,000 additional jobs in these regions.
Regarding progress of the National Upgrading: 80 more companies have joined the Regarding progress of the National Upgrading Programme. this causes a decrease of 18%.
My opinion is that it’s very good for the economy of Tunisia that the export is increased. The increase is due to the larger export of mechanical and electrical industries. More companies make investments, so that is also very good for the economy of Tunisia. The investments would create more then 10 000 jobs, so the unemployment will decrease. There are also 150 project that will create over 10 000 jobs in certain regions of Tunisia, that is very good for the local inhabitants and the local economy. When people earn more money, they will spend more and the economy will improve.
So this was blog for this week. I hope that you learned something new about the economy of Tunisia. The next country we are going to visit is Italy.
Kimberley Bracke

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