maandag 21 maart 2011


I was really looking forward to visit Italy. I was always a big fan of Italy, cause of its pasta, its beautiful buildings and history.  So, being here is like a dream has come true! The main subject here is of course, Berlusconi and his harem of 14 women that’s revealed. It’s keeping everyone busy! So, I need to inform you guys about this subject.
It all began this summer when Karima El Mahroug, a teenage belly-dancer from Morocco who trades under the name of Ruby Rubacuori, told to some prosecutors about her evenings with the Prime Minister Berlusconi. She admitted that Berlusconi several times invited her to his home for a so-called "bunga-bunga" game, in which the women put on topless costumes and compete to see who can perform the hottest sex show. She also admitted that he paid her to do this. When this took place, Karima was only 17! When you’re 17 you’re a minor and having sex with a minor is punishable.
But that is not all! Karima also told that all off his girls (at least 14) got an apartment in a gated complex outside Milan. They lived rent-free in the estate and were given large sums of cash by the billionaire politician in return for sex. Berlusconi tries to defend himself by telling that he was hosting relaxing parties at which numerous young women, including showgirls, TV weather girls, escorts and prostitutes, were brought in to have dinner and listen to his jokes. Prosecutors in Milan are now demanding that he be put on trial immediately for having sex with an underage prostitute.
Wow, that’s the hell off a story! There have always been rumors about Berlusconi and his girlfriends. But he has always been able to deny them. And everyone always believed him. But I think that this incident with Karima was the limit. When someone else pays a minor for having sex, he or she goes to jail. But when this happens to the Prime Minister, everyone wants to keep it a secret. Well, not this time Berlusconi! You are also a human and you have done something wrong. And when you do something wrong, you must be punished, no matter who you are. I think this proves to the people that everyone is threaded the same.
By proving this, a lot of people will get their trust back in the law system. And all the ones that are doing something wrong or punishable will think: “ Oh no, if even the Prime Minister get punished for this, then maybe I will too!”. It’s really a good thing that all of his lies came true!
If you want to read the article, on which I based my blog, go to:
See you next time (when I’m in France)!
Libera Noerens

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