dinsdag 22 maart 2011



Italy… the country of fashion ! But I’ve discovered something else, something about Silvio Berlusconi! He is Prime Minister of Italy since 1994, he had a good relationship with the Italian state but when he began making personal mistakes (he was more concerned with personal party’s than with problems in the country) his position began to decrease. Those mistakes have led to a minor political crisis.
In February 2011 he was indicted for prostitution and abuse of office but he refused to step down. The next elections are in 2013, but the people want a new Prime Minister now, they don’t trust Silvio Berlusconi anymore.
Silovio Berlusconi wasn’t always a perfect husband: his wife wanted to divorce because of his affair with an 18 year old woman and his parties weren’t always innocent. After his mistakes his popularity dropped sharply, the public has lost their faith in him.
There have been problems with politics in Italy and the public doesn’t accept that Silvio Berlusconi takes no action so they protested because they wanted that he resigns.
Those who think that Silvio Berlusconi always been popular are definitely wrong because in the past he had lost several  elections.

I think that Silvio Berlusconi isn’t good as a Prime Minister for Italy, because a Prime Minister has a great responsibility and he must focus him on the problems of the country and not think about parties and other stuff.
The fact that he isn’t popular with the public says enough: they don’t want him as the Prime Minister and my opinion is that when the public doesn’t want that man you have to listen to your public because otherwise they protest and that damages the image of the country.
So away with Silvio Berlusconi! Or he has to change his behavior.
Despite this incident it was very nice in Italy because of the beautiful shops and clothes!
On to France!

Charlotte De Hainaut

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