maandag 28 maart 2011

Blog France week 4

Hello again!
Last week I arrived in Paris, France. What an amazing city! I usually don’t really like capitals because they’re always dirty and chaotic, but in Paris I didn’t notice any of that. I had already heard about the chaotic public transport, so I was prepared for that. I especially love the sights of the city, they make sure you’re busy all the time. This week I chose a webpage to focus on.
On the webpage we can see an overview of France’s economy and how important the country is for Europe/the world. In general France is a well developed country of which the inhabitants have high standards of living. One of the most important sources of income for the country is its tourism. France is also a part of the G20, the twenty countries with the largest economy of the world. During the crisis France survived because of several reasons: its well established and loyal consumer base, well-considered spending of the government and less dependency on changes in the world. France’s economy is very important for Europe and the rest of the world.
As the webpage tells us, France and its economy are, according to me, very important for Europe. The country has a strong economy and imports and exports a lot. People in France are living a good life. When we look at France it’s even the third biggest economy market of Europe, after Great Britain and Germany. Next to that it’s also an important export market for the Netherlands. Without France, the economy of Europe would be less developed so I think the country is very important for a lot of countries. When we look at what the country has already realised in the past, we can conclude that she has always been an important country for developments and general prosperity. The country’s primary sector is the biggest one of Europe, what gives France an extra value for me since I think agriculture is a hard but essential sector which is underrated in a lot of countries. I especially like the economy of France due to the fact that its main (export) products are regional and cultural ones. When I think of France, I immediately think of wine, cheese and olives. I link these products with enjoying life and that’s the general idea in France too. French people enjoy life, aren’t rushed like Belgian people are and that’s what I like the most about the French culture and what’s reflected in their products.
If you would like to know more about the French economy, go to
I’ll now discover the rest of Paris and after that I am travelling to Germany, a country with a whole other culture and economy. So exciting! See you then!
Au revoir!

Kimberly Pauwels

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