This week we visited France. This is one of my favorite countries to visite, with its beautiful cities and rich culture. The president of France is Nicalos Sarkozy. I’ve chosen an article to write about, which discusses a speech of Sarkozy.
Last week, there was a lot of commotion about Libya. Following the protests in other Arab countries, the people of Libya are also in revolt. They are protesting against the leadership of Caddafi and want him to step down as their leader. But Caddafi was not planning to step down, even more, he said that all rebels will get the death penalty.
The war in Libya is still going on, and the NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) wants to step in. They planned military operations against Muammar Caddafi, the leader of Libya. But the french president said that the decision-making should be done by a committee consisting of the 11 countries taking part in enforcing the UN resolution. So Nicolas Sarkozy said that while NATO’s military machinery can be used in Libya, the leadership should rest with the participating countries.
I think this is a very difficult situation. Countries like France shouldn’t interfeer in the politics of other countries. That is a task for the NATO, they can decide what (or what not) to do. If everyone interfeers, they will just make it worse. A country should have the possibility to work its problems out on its own.
But on the other hand, the situation in Libya is getting out of hand! Too many people are getting hurt, and the population can’t solve the problems on its own. So I think it is important that the NATO steps in, but they have to consider the needs and wishes of the local population. They are the most important, their situation should get better by the intervention of the NATO.
My visit to France has come to an end. I really had fun visiting this country, and I hope to come back some time.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog about France. The next country we are going to visit is Germany. See you then!
Elisa Debleu
This is the article about France and Libya I based my blog on : http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/25/nicolas-sarkozy-nato-libya-row