donderdag 31 maart 2011

Blog 4 - France

This week we visited France. This is one of my favorite countries to visite, with its beautiful cities and rich culture. The president of France is Nicalos Sarkozy. I’ve chosen an article to write about, which discusses a speech of Sarkozy.
Last week, there was a lot of commotion about Libya. Following the protests in other Arab countries, the people of Libya are also in revolt. They are protesting against the leadership of Caddafi and want him to step down as their leader. But Caddafi was not planning to step down, even more, he said that all rebels will get the death penalty.
The war in Libya is still going on, and the NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) wants to step in. They planned military operations against Muammar Caddafi, the leader of Libya. But the french president said that the decision-making should be done by a committee consisting of the 11 countries taking part in enforcing the UN resolution. So Nicolas Sarkozy said that while NATO’s military machinery can be used in Libya, the leadership should rest with the participating countries.
I think this is a very difficult situation. Countries like France shouldn’t interfeer in the politics of other countries. That is a task for the NATO, they can decide what (or what not) to do. If everyone interfeers, they will just make it worse. A country should have the possibility to work its problems out on its own.
But on the other hand, the situation in Libya is getting out of hand! Too many people are getting hurt, and the population can’t solve the problems on its own. So I think it is important that the NATO steps in, but they have to consider the needs and wishes of the local population. They are the most important, their situation should get better by the intervention of the NATO.
My visit to France has come to an end. I really had fun visiting this country, and I hope to come back some time.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog about France. The next country we are going to visit is Germany. See you then!
Elisa Debleu

This is the article about France and Libya I based my blog on :

maandag 28 maart 2011


Hey everyone!
I recently arrived in France, the country of love! I always wanted to visit France, because of its beautiful historical buildings and culture.
But recently the weekly newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné revealed that Michèle Alliot-Marie, the foreign minister, went on holiday to Tunisia during the wave of violent protest that toppled the country’s autocratic leader, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. Alliot-Marie admitted that she accepted a flight in a private plane owned by a Tunisian businessman during the holiday at the end of last year. She insisted the man was a personal friend and a victim of the regime, not a supporter.
François Fillon, the prime minister, stood by Alliot-Marie, but soon found himself in the same situation: there were rumors that Egypt funded the prime minister’s family holiday. Fillon said to the media that the Egyptian government had provided his family with accommodation, a flight and a trip on the Nile during the holiday (from 26 December to 2 January).
After the media published some articles about Alliot-Marie and François Fillon, the French president, Sarkozy, intervened! He told the ministers at a cabinet meeting that any invitations by foreign governments had to be approved by the prime minister. He also told the ministers that he preferred that they would take their holidays in France.
My opinion is quite divided. I’m not for junkets paid by foreign governments and I’m not against it. In some countries it is almost incomprehensible for politicians to accept junkets paid by foreign governments. And on the other hand you have countries, such as Germany, where private family vacations are the norm for most politicians. If someone offers you a free holiday in his country, then why should you refuse it? But, if there are problems in that country, like in Tunisia or Egypt, then I wouldn’t go on holiday, even if it’s for free. I think they should use their brains and first think about the offer he/she got from the foreign government.
Sarkozy is now taking measures that are hilarious! Any invitations by foreign governments need to be approved by the prime minister. The prime minister himself went on holiday to Egypt and came in the media because Egypt funded his trip! I think it’s really funny that someone who recently got negative publicity now must decide whether someone else should accept or deny an invitation. Above that, Sarkozy himself came under fire in 2007 after he was elected for taking a holiday on a yacht belonging to the French magnate Vincent Bolloré. So, I think that he shouldn’t take that measure now. If he was allowed to go on a trip, organized by a foreign government, then the ministers now should get that chance also.
See you next time when I’m in Germany.
Libera Noerens
The source I used:



I’m in France now, but here are also protests ! The population doesn’t agree with the reforming of the pension system. The president of France wants to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62 years. In the past there were already many revolts in connection with the rights of the employees, in 2003 they introduced a new law: people must work at least 40 years before they can get a full pension. But they soon created a number of exceptions to that rule.
Another problem for France was that they don’t have the money to pay the pensions and with the recession in 2008 the problem was getting worse. In April 2010 France a deficit of as much as 11 billion Euros.
Because of that Nicolas Sarkozy wants to increase the retirement age, on that way they can save money.
The French Assembly was in agreement with this new rule, but there was labor unrest between workers, for example: they cutting off much of the country's fuel supply.
But there is less good news for Nicolas Sarkozy, the pension reform is becoming a key test of his presidency. The population doesn’t accept the new rule, but if he fails his credibility will be gone.
It’s certain that something has to change, because France has not enough money to continue the finance of the pensions.
I think the new rule is acceptable, because when the country doesn’t have enough money to finance it, the president must interfere. The people should be happy that the retirement age is increased instead of that they get less pension. I understand that the people protested, but eventually they will have to accept this new rule, because the government is also agree with it.
Despite this problem, I still enjoyed my visit to France with its delicious wines! I see you back when I’m in Germany.
Charlotte De Hainaut

Blog France week 4

Hello again!
Last week I arrived in Paris, France. What an amazing city! I usually don’t really like capitals because they’re always dirty and chaotic, but in Paris I didn’t notice any of that. I had already heard about the chaotic public transport, so I was prepared for that. I especially love the sights of the city, they make sure you’re busy all the time. This week I chose a webpage to focus on.
On the webpage we can see an overview of France’s economy and how important the country is for Europe/the world. In general France is a well developed country of which the inhabitants have high standards of living. One of the most important sources of income for the country is its tourism. France is also a part of the G20, the twenty countries with the largest economy of the world. During the crisis France survived because of several reasons: its well established and loyal consumer base, well-considered spending of the government and less dependency on changes in the world. France’s economy is very important for Europe and the rest of the world.
As the webpage tells us, France and its economy are, according to me, very important for Europe. The country has a strong economy and imports and exports a lot. People in France are living a good life. When we look at France it’s even the third biggest economy market of Europe, after Great Britain and Germany. Next to that it’s also an important export market for the Netherlands. Without France, the economy of Europe would be less developed so I think the country is very important for a lot of countries. When we look at what the country has already realised in the past, we can conclude that she has always been an important country for developments and general prosperity. The country’s primary sector is the biggest one of Europe, what gives France an extra value for me since I think agriculture is a hard but essential sector which is underrated in a lot of countries. I especially like the economy of France due to the fact that its main (export) products are regional and cultural ones. When I think of France, I immediately think of wine, cheese and olives. I link these products with enjoying life and that’s the general idea in France too. French people enjoy life, aren’t rushed like Belgian people are and that’s what I like the most about the French culture and what’s reflected in their products.
If you would like to know more about the French economy, go to
I’ll now discover the rest of Paris and after that I am travelling to Germany, a country with a whole other culture and economy. So exciting! See you then!
Au revoir!

Kimberly Pauwels

dinsdag 22 maart 2011



Italy… the country of fashion ! But I’ve discovered something else, something about Silvio Berlusconi! He is Prime Minister of Italy since 1994, he had a good relationship with the Italian state but when he began making personal mistakes (he was more concerned with personal party’s than with problems in the country) his position began to decrease. Those mistakes have led to a minor political crisis.
In February 2011 he was indicted for prostitution and abuse of office but he refused to step down. The next elections are in 2013, but the people want a new Prime Minister now, they don’t trust Silvio Berlusconi anymore.
Silovio Berlusconi wasn’t always a perfect husband: his wife wanted to divorce because of his affair with an 18 year old woman and his parties weren’t always innocent. After his mistakes his popularity dropped sharply, the public has lost their faith in him.
There have been problems with politics in Italy and the public doesn’t accept that Silvio Berlusconi takes no action so they protested because they wanted that he resigns.
Those who think that Silvio Berlusconi always been popular are definitely wrong because in the past he had lost several  elections.

I think that Silvio Berlusconi isn’t good as a Prime Minister for Italy, because a Prime Minister has a great responsibility and he must focus him on the problems of the country and not think about parties and other stuff.
The fact that he isn’t popular with the public says enough: they don’t want him as the Prime Minister and my opinion is that when the public doesn’t want that man you have to listen to your public because otherwise they protest and that damages the image of the country.
So away with Silvio Berlusconi! Or he has to change his behavior.
Despite this incident it was very nice in Italy because of the beautiful shops and clothes!
On to France!

Charlotte De Hainaut

Blog 3 - Italy

I’m in Italy now and it is beautifull here! I really love this country, that’s why I already visited it several times. I can never get enough of it. The culture, the history, the beautifull museums and historical buildings,… Italy has it all.
But recently, there was a big scandal in Italy about the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. This scandal involves an under-aged girl, Ruby, who is said to be a prostitute. The Prime Minister is acused of having a sexual relationship with this girl while she was underaged. Ruby, a belly-dancer from Marocco whose real name is Karima, was arrested last month on suspiscion of theft. Berlusconi tried to release her from the appeal, under the so-called reason that he thought she was the niece of the Egyptian president. So he said he was acting in the public interests. This is when all the problems started. Now, Silvio Berlusconi is charged for abuse of power and his sexual relationship with an under-aged prostitute. Of course, the Prime Minister denies these allegations.
Prosecutors also claim that Silvio Berlusconi held parties where young women where paid for sex. Nicolle Minetti was a regular at these evenings, but she claims these evenings where innocent. She says that Silvio Berlusconi sung and told stories at these parties. Nicolle Minetti is also being investigated for procuring girls to the Prime Minister. She denies to have introduces Ruby to the Prime Minister, and says that she didn’t know Ruby was underaged.
This scandal is really affecting the Italians and the image of their country. A Prime Minister should be a good example for the country. He should definitely not be involved with the court or be mentioned in a sex scandal. This story isn’t doing justice to Italy and its beautifull history. The story really shocks me, because I have never heard something like this about a Prime Minister before. I think Silvio Berlusconi is not a good Prime Minister for Italy. She has been involved in too many of these stories. In my opinion, it is good that Berlusconi is being charged for his actions. This way, people will see that everyone is equal for the law.
I’ve really enjoyed visiting Italy! I stil love it here, even with all the scandals surrounding the Prime Minister. But I think these scandals don’t influence the beauty of this country. So Italy, see you next year when I come back. And dear reader, see you on me next blog, when I’m in France!
Elisa Debleu

maandag 21 maart 2011


I was really looking forward to visit Italy. I was always a big fan of Italy, cause of its pasta, its beautiful buildings and history.  So, being here is like a dream has come true! The main subject here is of course, Berlusconi and his harem of 14 women that’s revealed. It’s keeping everyone busy! So, I need to inform you guys about this subject.
It all began this summer when Karima El Mahroug, a teenage belly-dancer from Morocco who trades under the name of Ruby Rubacuori, told to some prosecutors about her evenings with the Prime Minister Berlusconi. She admitted that Berlusconi several times invited her to his home for a so-called "bunga-bunga" game, in which the women put on topless costumes and compete to see who can perform the hottest sex show. She also admitted that he paid her to do this. When this took place, Karima was only 17! When you’re 17 you’re a minor and having sex with a minor is punishable.
But that is not all! Karima also told that all off his girls (at least 14) got an apartment in a gated complex outside Milan. They lived rent-free in the estate and were given large sums of cash by the billionaire politician in return for sex. Berlusconi tries to defend himself by telling that he was hosting relaxing parties at which numerous young women, including showgirls, TV weather girls, escorts and prostitutes, were brought in to have dinner and listen to his jokes. Prosecutors in Milan are now demanding that he be put on trial immediately for having sex with an underage prostitute.
Wow, that’s the hell off a story! There have always been rumors about Berlusconi and his girlfriends. But he has always been able to deny them. And everyone always believed him. But I think that this incident with Karima was the limit. When someone else pays a minor for having sex, he or she goes to jail. But when this happens to the Prime Minister, everyone wants to keep it a secret. Well, not this time Berlusconi! You are also a human and you have done something wrong. And when you do something wrong, you must be punished, no matter who you are. I think this proves to the people that everyone is threaded the same.
By proving this, a lot of people will get their trust back in the law system. And all the ones that are doing something wrong or punishable will think: “ Oh no, if even the Prime Minister get punished for this, then maybe I will too!”. It’s really a good thing that all of his lies came true!
If you want to read the article, on which I based my blog, go to:
See you next time (when I’m in France)!
Libera Noerens

zondag 20 maart 2011

Blog Italy

Hey blog-followers!
I recently arrived in Italy, one of my favourite countries in the world. What a pleasure to be here, it’s like coming home. The Italian culture, the people who are always extrovert, the delicious food, …. As you can read, it’s a dream to live in this country! But every country has its shortages and so has Italy. And the country's biggest problem is, as we all know, Berlusconi.
It seems like the Prime Minister of Italy is accused of something every week. This time we could read that he has been accused of paying for sex with an under-aged prostitute and abuse of power. He abused his power by helping the girl when she was accused in another case. He tried to get out of these problems by saying he thought the girl was the granddaughter of the Egyptian leader, Mubarak. The process will start on 6 April 2011 and Berlusconi risks an imprisonment for this case. Despite the fact Berlusconi lost his immunity from conviction, he doesn’t have to appear in court in person. Berlusconi is also involved in three other trials what may infect his worldwide image even more. In Italy, Berlusconi still hasn’t lost his popularity since the poll ratings are still around 35%.
I think the problems of Berlusconi are affecting the image of Italy. Negative ‘publicity’ about a Prime Minister causes a negative view towards the whole country. I personally think this is a shame for Italy since the country has a wonderful culture and the people are extrovert and friendly all the time. It’s typical that the whole country suffers from the acts of its Prime Minister, but they shouldn’t be judged for that. Political issues have to stay purely political and they shouldn’t have consequences for other facets of the country like for example the economy. Italy is a very important economic country of the EU and should stay so. When we look at the country’s history, it’s amazing what she has already realised. Personally, I see Italy as one of the countries who’s at the base of the world economy these days. I think the country does suffer from the negative publicity. Almost every week the whole world hears negative messages of the country and its political figures, what causes people to create a general thought of Italy. According to me it would be better if they decided to discharge Berlusconi and to give him the punishment he deserves . In this case, Italy is a little too soft and conservative I think. They’d rather give him another chance. If Italy decides to discharge him, they would be faced with some changes, but it would have a positive influence on their general image.
I still adore Italy, but not its prime minister. He creates a rather negative image for the country because of his personal problems and that’s unfair towards its inhabitants. Besides this, Italy is a country you should really visit some time!
If you want to read the article check, out
That’s it for today! I’ll catch up with you when I arrive in France, another country of love.
Kimberly Pauwels

Blog Italy

Hey blog-followers!
I recently arrived in Italy, one of my favourite countries in the world. What a pleasure to be here, it’s like coming home. The Italian culture, the people who are always extrovert, the delicious food, …. As you can read, it’s a dream to live in this country! But every country has its shortages and so has Italy. And the country's biggest problem is, as we all know, Berlusconi.
It seems like the Prime Minister of Italy is accused of something every week. This time we could read that he has been accused of paying for sex with an under-aged prostitute and abuse of power. He abused his power by helping the girl when she was accused in another case. He tried to get out of these problems by saying he thought the girl was the granddaughter of the Egyptian leader, Mubarak. The process will start on 6 April 2011 and Berlusconi risks an imprisonment for this case. Despite the fact Berlusconi lost his immunity from conviction, he doesn’t have to appear in court in person. Berlusconi is also involved in three other trials what may infect his worldwide image even more. In Italy, Berlusconi still hasn’t lost his popularity since the poll ratings are still around 35%.
I think the problems of Berlusconi are affecting the image of Italy. Negative ‘publicity’ about a Prime Minister causes a negative view towards the whole country. I personally think this is a shame for Italy since the country has a wonderful culture and the people are extrovert and friendly all the time. It’s typical that the whole country suffers from the acts of its Prime Minister, but they shouldn’t be judged for that. Political issues have to stay purely political and they shouldn’t have consequences for other facets of the country like for example the economy. Italy is a very important economic country of the EU and should stay so. When we look at the country’s history, it’s amazing what she has already realised. Personally, I see Italy as one of the countries who’s at the base of the world economy these days. I think the country does suffer from the negative publicity. Almost every week the whole world hears negative messages of the country and its political figures, what causes people to create a general thought of Italy. According to me it would be better if they decided to discharge Berlusconi and to give him the punishment he deserves . In this case, Italy is a little too soft and conservative I think. They’d rather give him another chance. If Italy decides to discharge him, they would be faced with some changes, but it would have a positive influence on their general image.
I still adore Italy, but not its prime minister. He creates a rather negative image for the country because of his personal problems and that’s unfair towards its inhabitants. Besides this, Italy is a country you should really visit some time!
If you want to read the article check, out
That’s it for today! I’ll catch up with you when I arrive in France, another country of love.
Kimberly Pauwels

maandag 14 maart 2011


Hello everyone
The next country I visited is Tunisia. Tunisia is a beautiful country with a lot of friendly people. In my  next blog I’m going to discuss an article about the economy of Tunisia, more specific the export and business creation.
Exports up and business creation down
The industrial situation in Tunisia is changed. late February 2011 they noticed that the export is increased and the creation of new businesses is decreased.
the industrial export is raised with 9 %. that rise is due to the 18% of exports of mechanical and electrical industries and the 20% increase in chemical industries
the investments are increased by almost 10%. this would create more then 10 000 additional jobs in the industry sector.
there are about 150 projects that have been recorded in de  regional development regions. These projects account for 58% of all investment  and should create over 10,000 additional jobs in these regions.
Regarding progress of the National Upgrading: 80 more companies have joined the Regarding progress of the National Upgrading Programme. this causes a decrease of 18%.
My opinion is that it’s very good for the economy of Tunisia that the export is increased. The increase is due to the larger export of mechanical and electrical industries. More companies make investments, so that is also very good for the economy of Tunisia. The investments would create more then 10 000 jobs, so the unemployment will decrease. There are also 150 project that will create over 10 000 jobs in certain regions of Tunisia, that is very good for the local inhabitants and the local economy. When people earn more money, they will spend more and the economy will improve.
So this was blog for this week. I hope that you learned something new about the economy of Tunisia. The next country we are going to visit is Italy.
Kimberley Bracke


Hello everyone,
This is my first blog. I started my journey in Nigeria. Because my blog is about the economy of Nigeria. Nigeria is a beautiful country  with a lot of historical background. So here is some information about the economy of Nigeria, I hope you will enjoy my blog.
Nigeria is a country that is located in West Africa. Nigeria has a long coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. The borders of Nigeria are Benin, Chad, Cameroon and Niger. Nigeria is the thirty-second largest country in the world. The Country has a total population of over 154 million inhabitants. Most of the inhabitants live in poverty and 70% of them live below the international poverty line. The petroleum sector is very important for the economy of Nigeria
The Nigerian economy is one of the most developed economies in Africa. Compared to other African countries, Nigeria has a developed financial, communication and transport sectors.
The petroleum sector is the most important industry in Nigeria. Nigeria is the 12th largest producer of petroleum in the world.  90% of the petroleum is exported to other countries.
When we look at the Nigerian economy in general, lacks basic infrastructure. Most of the efforts to improve the basic infrastructure have failed.
I think Nigeria has a lot of potential to improve the economy. Nigeria has a long coastline along the Atlantic Ocean so they can export more products over sea.
The workers in Nigeria are underpaid, that is the reason that 70% of the inhabitants live below the international poverty line. And as long the workers are underpaid the economy can’t grow. Because when the inhabitants have no money to spend, this is negative for the economy. I think there is significant room for improvement in the economy of Nigeria.
The petroleum sector is the most important industry, but Nigeria need more products then just petroleum that they can use for export.
So this was my first blog, I hope you learned something more about the economy of Nigeria.
Kimberley Bracke